Serving Love And Saving Lives
Around the Corner
and Around the Globe
Around the Corner and Around the Globe
Against Global Hunger exists to reduce the number of hungry children and their families worldwide.
Serving our Neighbors
Reaching the Nations
Against Global Hunger exists to reduce the number of hungry children and families in the US and around the globe.
Malnourishment and deaths due to hunger are problems we have the ability and resources to solve today.
The Goal
Addressing World Hunger
There are over 7 billion people in the world today and the United Nations estimates almost 850 million of those are hungry and are experiencing chronic malnutrition. That figures out to one person in nine.
A child under the age of 5 dies every 6 seconds somewhere in the world because of hunger and hunger-related diseases.
In the US, there are 15.3 million children under the age of 18 who do not have access to healthy nutrition.
A Solution
The Food Package
Our food is packaged by youth of all ages who volunteer their time, talents, and treasure to assemble our high-nutrition, life-saving recipes.
We then work to distribute the packaged food through church groups, missionaries, local food banks, and other humanitarian organizations worldwide.

In a world with so many rich resources, why is any child still going hungry?
The Mission of Against Global Hunger is to significantly reduce the number of hungry children and their families in the US and around the globe with fully nutritious food. We aim to work with like-minded volunteer groups who team with us to deliver healthy meals and hope to families in need.
AGH is a Non-Profit 501 C-3, Charitable Organization
What We Do
Local Relief
Our food packages are a perfect addition to food pantries, food banks, and church resources to give to families in need.
Non-perishable and easy to store and prepare, this nutrition rich food item can be an entire meal for a family of 6.
It serves to fill the gap when fresh food items are in short supply.
Disaster Relief
Emergency food supply is an important part of our organization.
Nonperishable, easily distributed meals vital for communities who are suffering.
The food package is designed for long term shelf life and easy distribution, while the food itself is nutrient rich to ensure the recipients are receiving important nourishment.
Global Relief
Starvation is something we rarely face in America. But, in many countries it is a real and overwhelming crisis. Our goal is to help bring an end to that crisis by sending international food packages into remote areas where humanitarian and missions groups can distribute to those in need.
With just one meal a day, we can reverse starvation in the human body.